
Other Project Ideas

Page history last edited by joelg 13 years ago


These project ideas did not begin development at the codeathon, but may see additional development in the future.  Feel free to add to the list!





Project name Submitter


Project Lead Project Team Description
Voting module Silona Bonewald   (sign up!)

A software library to manage various types of group decision-making models. Useful as a component of the C-wiki but could obviously have many other applications.

Document commenting tool Silona Bonewald   (sign up!) Think "those comment boxes on Flickr photos" applied to text documents. In the LoTV context, this will provide a means for individuals to more clearly communicate about legislation and budget issues.
Identity and reputation system Silona Bonewald   (sign up!) Create an identify and reputation system which can integrate with a social network.
Google revenue sharing tool Silona Bonewald   (sign up!) Integrates with websites to take a share of Google ad revenue and automatically donate a percentage to a particular non-profit. Could be popular with bloggers.
Event planner checklist Silona Bonewald   (sign up!) Create a checklist tool which integrates with event calendar software (e.g. Drupal's) to help event planners.
Accessibility updates Silona Bonewald   (sign up!) Update software modules from the first codeathon to be more accessible for users with disabilities.
Microformat conversions Silona Bonewald   (sign up!) Update software modules from the first codeathon to support more microformats for greater interoperability.
Accessible CMS/blog interface Sharron Rush   (sign up!) "Update this page" that provides prompts for form labels,tableheaders, alt text, etc.
Accessible Survey Tool Sharron Rush   (sign up!) Think of it as Survey Monkey with an accessible interface and that generates accessible surveys
Constituent Relation Management Tool Sharron Rush   (sign up!) Manage donors, volunteers, board members etc with accessible interface
Grant Management Rich Vázquez   (sign up) Manage information on grants, submissions, requirements, due dates, app status.  (I couldn't find a single open source grant management software and every nonprofit needs at least some consideration of grants)
Open Source National Energy Auditing Tool (NEAT)/Weatherization Assistant Joel Greenberg   (sign up)

NEAT is used by energy auditors in the Weatherization Assistant Program (WAP) working for non-profit community organizations as well as for profit companies.  It's wonky software written in MS Access with a terrible interface.  Let's rewrite it, making it open source.  We can also make it into a framework that can be built to do energy auditing/energy modeling for:

- single homes

- apartments

- commercial buildings

Improve OpenEnergyMonitor, and open source energy management system. Joel Greenberg   (sign up) OpenEnergyMonitor is an open source energy monitoring system based upon an arduino with sensors (http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/).  Non-profits can use it to monitor the energy use of their buildings so that they can make informed, intelligent decisions about how they want to spend their energy dollars (or not).




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