Note: Please RSVP on the Who's Coming page if you plan to attend!
This allows us to have an accurate headcount for budgeting, food, and so on.
The main event!
Saturday, April 14, 9:30am - 6:00pm
Post-event thank-you party -- free food and drinks:
Saturday, April 14, 6:30pm
Designers are also welcome to attend the codeathon party on Friday, April 20th to hang out with the programmers who will be implementing their designs! Details available on the codeathon logistics page.
MCC Building
3925 West Braker Ln.
Austin, TX 78759
(Google Maps link)
You must use the north entrance, not the main (south) entrance to the building.
You can use this Google Maps satellite image to orient yourself. We'll have signs and people directing you.
Those who are having trouble finding the MCC building or the proper entrance can contact Silona Bonewald at: five one two -dash- seven five zero -dash- nine two two zero.
Thank-you party (after the designathon):
Doryan Rice residence
1307 Crestwood
Austin, TX 78722
(Google Maps link)
Breakfast and lunch will be provided -- plus offsite dinner & drinks in the evening!
If you are planning to drive in from outside the Austin area, you can try to arrange a carpool.
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 11:36 am on Mar 29, 2007
Hi everyone,
So I am getting ready o reserve the Atrium here at MCC for the Gospel Brunch. The cost for this room for both days (including UT Security for building access) is $550. They will bill us after the program, but we need to raise this money as soon as possible.
So, anyone up for the challange?
Anonymous said
at 4:32 pm on Mar 29, 2007
I have added a Draft created this morning to use for recruitment for the Designathon. Please feel free to use asd you wish. I will be sending this out to several people and then tomorrow I will call them up and bug them....for those of you who have worked with me, bugging is one thing I am good at :)
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