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Saved by BishopZ
on February 7, 2012 at 7:07:42 pm


Only 3 rules for a Code-a-thon

1) must be Free or Open Source

2) must be for a Non-Profit

3) must be a Universal solution


Upcoming Code-a-thons:

Feb 11th, Washington DC Planning meeting

Feb 18th, Austin API HackDay

Feb 25th, Austin CFA Hack-a-thon (details tba)

Mar 10th, Austin BarCamp 

Mar 24-25, DC2012 Code-a-thon

Apr 14-15, ATX2012 Code-a-thon

May 31st?, Chicago 2012 Code-a-thon?

TBD!!! (suggest something?) San Francisco, Ca 2012


About the Events:

Codeathons are volunteer events to help build usable, open source and accessible internet tools for non-profit organizations!


All of our development will be free or open source, and built for general use by non-profit organizations (as opposed to being custom-built for a specific organization).


These will be productive but fun events, with some unique food and entertainment provided to keep things interesting. This is a great way to spend time with a lot of other smart, interesting techies while putting your skills towards something good in the world! A first successful codeathon was thrown in October 06-- you can see videos from the event on YouTube (thanks Kai!).


You can find out additional details using the "SideBar" navigation menu to the right.


What will be accomplished?

Quite a bit!


With a 48hr codeathon, that's the equivalent of one full-time workweek. With multiple people collaborating, each project can receive a few man-weeks of effort, which is a substantial amount of time. Try to get the design done on the wiki in advance. Please be sure to register your project on your cities pages!


Some small projects may actually be completed in this timeframe. Obviously this isn't enough time to build and polish a larger software project -- but it is enough time to form a team and generate momentum and motivation. We will provide web tools to facilitate ongoing collaboration on projects, encouraging codeathon participants (or other future volunteers) to continue them.


Past Events:

1) Codeathon 06 - Drupal themed

2) Codeathon 07

3) Designathon 07

4) Washington DC - April 9-11 2010 Creating Citability tools in many codebases OGDI, .NET, Drupal, Wordpress, Joomla, Django etc



For general event questions, contact the event organizer, Silona Bonewald Silona@silona.com


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