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Entity-based social network

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Entity-Based Social Network


Description: Create a social network that is based on "entities" rather than individuals -- i.e. a node in the network might be an individual, or a business, or an organization, etc. In the LoTV context, a social network facilitates communication and collaboration among the community, and the entity-based aspect allows non-profit and advocacy organizations to participate in the League system.


Project Lead:


Project Team

NameRole(s)E-mailWebpageIM contact infoInterests/FocusComments
James Hogan

Design work

jhogan @t jhogan d.t nethttp://jhogan.livejournal.comAIM: jhoganX, X == 4269
Grant HutchinsWeb app development, user interfacenertzy@gmail.comhttp://nertzy.com

AIM: nertzy

Jabber: nertzy@gmail.com Yahoo!: mrnglemon

Skype: nertzy

Social Network Technical Proof of Concept; Design DocI work best in Ruby on Rails
Chrysta HudsonDesign, IA, Usabilityxa@spaceship.comhttp://chrysta.spaceship.com

AIM/Yahoo!: chrystacat

Jabber: spacemanwifey@gmail.com

Design Prototype: Connect the Dots Tool w/ sample ident/reputation
Tess Sneider Design Prototype: Connect the Dots Tool w/ sample ident/reputation
Jason Maltzen Design Prototype: Connect the Dots Tool w/ sample ident/reputation


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