
ATX201202 Announcements

Page history last edited by BishopZ 12 years, 6 months ago


Basic Announcement



Code-a-thon ATX 2012

"open source, non-commercial, and accessible"


ATX2012-02 Pre-Planning Party (aka ATX12-P3)

Friday, July 13th, 6pm - 12am


Gather to join forces on the road to Austin's most ... Code-a-thon event ever!


Register to attend this barcamp-style learn-in on open source, universal and non-commercial technologies, and witness first-hand the 12 code-a-thon bounties proffered to github pirates and tut raiders alike!



Attend Code-a-thon ATX 201202


Friday, November 2, 6pm to Sunday, November 4th, 6pm

a 48-hour Open-Source and Open-Data Coding Marathon

meals provided // reduced-rate cash bar


Where: The Moose Lodge, 2103 E M FRANKLIN AVE, AUSTIN, TX 78723-5832

Phone: (512) 926-0043 Social Quarters: (512) 926-0043


Several groups here in Austin have allied to produce a Code-a-thon in ATX this year. This event follows in the six year history of Code-a-thons nationally and will be dedicated to creating open sources tools and solutions for non-commercial, municipal and community-oriented organizations. We gather volunteer programmers, designers and graphic artists to build upon existing open source tools during our 48-hour lock-in event. 



Get Involved :: http://code-a-thon.org





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