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ATX2012_Sponsorship letter

Page history last edited by BishopZ 12 years, 9 months ago

Date and time of event



Dear (best to get someone specific here),



The League of Technical Voters and Microsoft are organizing codeathon this month, and hope your business can be involved! We want to create Open Source tools to help Government and NonProfits create citable website thereby increasing accountability on the internet.




We are gathering groups of volunteer programmers, designers, and graphic artists to build open source these tools.  We hope that your team can be a part of this.


<interest to them>

The fact that the software is open source means that it will be available for free to ALL non-profits and governmental entities!  We hope this will help encourage adoption.   At our other codeathons, we were able to create over 20 new features for non-profits including a disability-accessible events calendar, a consensus wiki, and a voting module.



<recoginition given>


All sponsors will be recognized both on the event website, our organization's website, and our promotional videos.  This is a great way to obtain visibility in the open government and librarian communities.


Our previous event had news coverage on News 8 Austin, KVUE-TV, 107.1 KGSR, and 90.5 KUT.  You can also see our YouTube video from the last event here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccDORj0syyE


Additional event information is available at http://dccodeathon.pbwiki.com.


For sponsorship details, please contact Silona Bonewald at 512-750-9220 or sponsors@leagueoftechvoters.org.  


Thank you for your time and consideration!



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